
My focus: Information Technology | Robots | Artificial Intelligence | Medical technology | Apps | Virtual Reality | Augmented Reality | Mobile Computing | Human-Machine Interfaces | Media Psychology | Internet | Video Games | Gamification | Digitization | Automation | Industry 4.0 | Cyber-Security | Cryptography | Defense Technology

My texts were published in the following media (selection):

Badische Zeitung | Basler Zeitung (Schweiz) | brand eins | Buch und Bibliothek | Cicero | Computer Bild Spiele | c’t wissen | DE Magazin Deutschland | Deutsche Universitätszeitung | Die Tageszeitung | emotion slow | enorm | The European | Der Freitag | Focus | Fränkischer Tag | Freie Presse | General-Anzeiger Bonn | hoch drei | interstellarum | iRights | Der Journalist | JS Magazin | Kölner Stadtanzeiger | Lübecker Nachrichten | Leipziger Volksstimme | loyal | Mitteldeutsche Zeitung | Neues Deutschland | Neustart | NZZ am Sonntag (Schweiz) | Nürnberger Nachrichten | Physik-Journal | Psychologie Heute | Die Rhein-Pfalz | Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung | Salzburger Nachrichten (Österreich) | | Spiegel Online | Stuttgarter Zeitung | Süddeutsche Zeitung | Südkurier | Tagesanzeiger (Schweiz) | t3n | Technology Review | VDI Nachrichten | weiter.vorn | Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung | Zeit Online

Articles (selection)

The Healthcare Battle | brand eins
Pharmaceutical companies discover the possibilities of artificial intelligence. But Internet giants such as Google and Amazon have long been competing with them in the healthcare market. Insights into a competition for a resource that has become very valuable.

The Vanishing of Dullness | Süddeutsche Zeitung
Researchers believe that good video games can promote empathy. And many developers are tired of emotionless killing anyway.

Life is exhausting enough | Technology Review
How does it feel to be taken care of all day long by intelligent assistants? What’s in store for us with the new generation of chatbots and digital butlers?

This page will be updated with more articles soon.